Maritime and inland waterways
Bridge abutments
Road & Railway
Flood protection
Maritime and inland waterways

Bridge abutments

Road & Railway

Flood protection


Steel sheet piles have been used for over a century in many water and land-based applications. Discover more details on each domain in this section.

You can watch a short video animation on our YouTube channel (click here).

You will find many case studies to read on this website or to download as a pdf file.
Dernière modification : février 5, 2020


Have been built with steel sheet piles for almost hundred years, and can be designed [...]

Routes et voies ferrées

Tunnels, passages dénivelés et culées de ponts avec une durée de vie de 100 ans [...]

Parkings souterrains

La solution la plus durable pour des parkings souterrains de 1 à 4 niveaux: exécution [...]

Voies navigables

Murs de quais, protection de berges, ducs d’albes, écrans de protection anticrues,...

Steel foundations

Steel piles, such as HP and tubes, have been used for ages to build foundations [...]

Environmental Protection

Steel sheet piles preserve and protect the environment: lower environmental impact, flood...

Temporary Works

Steel sheet piles are the best option for temporary soil and water retention applications, with...

Études de cas - en ligne

Courte description de projets de par le monde: aperçu global, description sommaire du projet,...
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